The Progression of Games and Technology

Virtual Reality Roulette

Roulette Today

These days, roulette is a hugely popular online casino game. It’s available at the vast majority of casino sites around the world. Join pretty much any iGaming site and you’ll find some roulette games to play.

While roulette started as a single game with just one variant, there are lots of different versions of it. The two main ones are the European and American versions.

In European roulette games, the wheel has a total of 37 numbered pockets: 1-36 plus 0. As for American roulette, its wheel has 38 pockets: 1-36 plus 0 and 00.

As we’ll see later, there are many ways in which roulette games can vary from the standard version. New features have been able to be added to roulette thanks to advances in technology.

Before we look at these, we’ll head back to the start of online roulette. Though digital versions of roulette haven’t been around for too long, they’ve certainly come a long way.

The First Online Roulette Games

It all started with Microgaming, a provider of online casino games. It’s known for many online gambling industry firsts, as well as popular games such as the Mega Moolah progressive jackpot slots.

In fact, Microgaming was responsible for developing the world’s first real-money online gambling software, which happened back in 1994. Two years later in 1996, the first proper online casino was launched, and so was the first online roulette game.

The first online roulette gaming software was understandably very basic. Though not available now, it would have no doubt followed the basic rules of roulette and offered no extra features of any kind.

The graphics, sound effects, and animations would have also been very simple; nothing like the advanced visuals and noises that you’ll find in today’s games.

As online gambling took off towards the end of the millennium, more and more digital casinos launched. They had few games, but roulette was among the most common ones.

Roulette Goes Mobile

A significant advance came in the mid-2000s with the development of mobile gambling software. Again, Microgaming was the pioneer of this, releasing the first mobile-friendly casino games in 2004.

Before online roulette came around, you could only play roulette for real money at land-based casinos. If there wasn’t one near you, tough. Thanks to web-based roulette games, you can now play from the comfort of your own home.

Mobile roulette software took things further, letting you play the game wherever you like. So long as your phone is connected to the internet, there are practically no limits to where you can play.

Live Dealer Roulette and Streaming Technology

Online games are entirely digital; live ones, on the other hand, are real-life games involving a dealer and physical props. Members of roulette casinos can play live dealer games through their accounts, no matter where they are.

The first live dealer games were developed by the provider Playtech in the late 1990s. However, the technology required to run these games was lacking and most computers weren’t capable of running them.

Fast forward a few years to 2006 and the internet, as well as the technology behind it, had become a lot more sophisticated and capable. Several providers attempted to launch live dealer games, including Microgaming and Evolution Gaming.

These newer live roulette games worked in the same way as the original ones that came out less than a decade previously. Even though they were developed with more advanced technology, their requirements were still too high for many computers.

Regular online games – ones that are fully animated – were taking off around this time and gaining in popularity. Digital versions of slots, table games, and other games were being enjoyed by lots of players.

They had reasonable loading times, performed to a high standard, and could run on a good number and range of computers. Live dealer games weren’t as easily accessible; they required too much bandwidth for many computers to deal with.

While digital games took off, live dealer ones had a much slower route to success. As computers and laptops became more advanced, a greater number of them were capable of running live games to a high standard.

Nowadays, most modern devices, including mobile ones, are built with software capable of streaming live broadcasts in high definition. The broadcast is crisp, the standard is excellent, and the result is an immersive gaming experience that brings roulette to life.

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) Roulette

One of the more recent advances in online roulette technology is the development of augmented and virtual reality. The two are similar, yet there’s a key difference that separates them.

Augmented reality is where computer-generated imagery is placed over a live view of the real world. An example would be taking a photo on your phone’s camera and placing a digital image somewhere on the photo.

As for virtual reality, this is much more immersive. The aim of it is to make you think you’re in a completely different environment that’s generated by computer, but as realistic as possible.

With augmented reality, a fully rendered digital roulette wheel is placed onto your camera’s view of the world. It functions exactly like a roulette wheel in a fully digital game, except you see it alongside the real world.

The way virtual reality roulette works is straightforward. You wear a special helmet with a screen on the inside that makes it feel as if you’re in a casino, though it’s actually just a digital version of one.

When wearing your virtual reality helmet, you can walk about the casino environment and play games, just like you would in a real-life casino. The difference is that all of the games, like the casino you’re in, are digital.

Social Aspects of Online Roulette

Roulette is quite a social game. After all, it’s fairly common to see people in a land-based casino gathered around a roulette table, hoping for a win. People see others enjoying themselves and are encouraged to join in.

When it comes to online versions of roulette, live dealer games come close to capturing the social aspect you get in real-life casino venues.

This is because when playing live dealer roulette, even though you’re not with anyone else, you can still interact with the other players. You can also communicate with the dealer. This is thanks to the game’s chat system.

What’s more is that a growing number of roulette games take sociability to the next level. They have more ways of interacting with other people than a messaging system.

For example, some roulette apps have built-in leaderboards so you can track your progress alongside other players. There are also social casino games: these are free-to-play games you can play through social media platforms.

Social casino roulette is the same as regular roulette, except that there’s no real money involved. Plus, because it’s played on social media, it involves a lot more people and has a community feel.

With social casino roulette, you can invite your friends to play, interact with anyone else who’s playing, and have friendly competitions. Though there isn’t any gambling involved, social casino roulette can still be a lot of fun.

Security Enhancements and Fair Play

The internet, unfortunately, will always attract scammers, cheats, and crooks. It can be an unsafe place if you’re not careful. The good news is that security technology is constantly improving.

Online casinos use stringent, up-to-date software to protect their players’ data and money. A particular type of software that most reputable sites use is SSL encryption. What this does is it scrambles data and turns it into code.

Doing this makes it practically impossible for malicious third parties to get hold of what they shouldn’t and attack websites. If a casino uses SSL encryption, you can rest assured you’re safe there.

There’s also the matter of fairness. To ensure that games are unbiased at all times, casino sites use a type of software called a random number generator. What this does is it generates numbers randomly for games to use.

The outcome of each round is determined by the generated number. If it were to produce 1,000, for example, that could mean that in a roulette game, the ball lands in the 9 pocket.

Third-party companies such as eCOGRA regularly check casino sites to make sure everything’s above board and working properly. eCOGRA also checks the random number generator and ensures it’s doing what it should.

Finally, there’s blockchain technology. This is associated with cryptocurrencies, entirely digital currencies such as Bitcoin that aren’t connected to any sort of bank or financial institution.

It’s a public database that keeps records of transactions of cryptocurrency payments. But, it can also be used for casino games, namely keeping records of outcomes. A growing number of online casino games, including some roulette ones, use blockchain technology.

Thanks to this, all outcomes are logged and are available for people to see at any time. This is a way for players to prove the game isn’t being rigged.

Personalization and Customization

Customization has long been a key feature in gaming. Players like being able to change the appearance of a game, or even their own avatar, to suit their tastes.

More and more roulette games offer various customization options. You can change the appearance of the table or gaming area and can even adjust the way the wheel looks. Just a few clicks is all it takes.

In recent years, customization in regular gaming has become incredibly complex and vast. At first, the options were very limited; you might only be able to choose between three colours, for example.

However, today’s games offer a practically infinite number of ways of customizing something. The options are becoming more detailed and numerous. There are so many ways to change something that no two players will end up with the same result.

With roulette, we could well see customization become more commonplace. Games could have customizable avatars, and there could be an endless number of background settings and wheel designs.

Data Analytics in Player Experience Optimization

A look into the progression of online roulette games wouldn’t be complete without talking about data analytics. In today’s world, pretty much every piece of data you produce is kept and analysed.

Visit just about any website and you’re asked if you’d like a cookie – these are used to track your activity on the site, so it can save your preferences and show you content you’re more likely to appreciate.

With online casino games, including roulette, data analytics is used to personalize the time you spend at the casino. If you play lots of European roulette, for example, the site might show you European roulette games more often.

It goes a step further. Casinos can use data to tailor promotional offers to suit your needs. If you only claim bonus money offers and don’t bother with free spins, the site might only show you bonus money offers.

The point of data analytics is so that companies can give you a more enjoyable experience on their sites. If you’re able to access your favourite games more easily and earn better, tailored bonuses, you’re less likely to go elsewhere.

Roulette games play a small part in the personalization of the online casino experience. But they’re still affected by data analytics, just like all other games.

Technological Challenges and Future Directions

Even though online roulette has only been around for around three decades, it’s grown and changed a lot in that time. The question is: where does it go from here? What’s exciting is that no one quite knows for sure.

A lot of the technological developments we’ve discussed could improve and make roulette a better game to play in many ways. But the thing is, we don’t know what other technologies are around the corner.


Whatever happens with online roulette in the future, we’re here for the ride. Online roulette history has been full of growth, and there’s more than enough room for change in the future.

Who knows what else could be coming to online roulette in the next few years? We can’t say for certain what a typical roulette game will be like, but we’re excited to think about it.

About the author

James Gibson, Guest Author at

Name James Gibson
Job Freelance Writer Specialising in iGaming

James Gibson is a freelance content writer with passion for slot and game guides. He proclaims responsible gambling and aims at providing accurate and confirmed information.

Moderation is key. Gambling is best enjoyed when you stick to limits and you’re the one in control.

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Cómo Sanar del Duelo y la Pérdida Mientras se Vive con la Adicción al Juego

How to Heal from Grief and Loss While Living with Gambling Addiction

El duelo es un proceso natural y una parte normal de la vida. Es saludable llorar cualquier pérdida sufrida en nuestras vidas. Sin importar cuán grande o pequeño sea, o lo que piensen los demás, solo nosotros podemos saber cuándo, cómo y durante cuánto tiempo debemos llorar la pérdida. La mayoría nunca considera que la pérdida de una pareja o relación debido al juego patológico también debería incluir un tiempo de duelo.

El juego compulsivo es una adicción oculta. No puedes verlo ni olerlo como las drogas o el alcohol. Entonces, ¿qué le sucede a una pareja, cónyuge o ser querido que no sabe que su pareja sufre de ludopatía? Al principio, puede parecer que esa persona está teniendo una aventura y, en cierto modo, lo está; en el sentido de jugar en máquinas, cartas o apostar en su teléfono. A menudo, una vez que la pareja que no lo sabe se entera del problema, ya está más avanzado en la progresión del trastorno del juego y puede ser como una muerte para la relación, creando pérdida y seguido de duelo.

Algunos de nosotros hemos tenido pérdidas que aún no hemos enfrentado. Algunos creen que pueden simplemente reprimirlo y pensar que eventualmente desaparecerá. Algunos pueden tener miedo de sentir la pérdida o no les hayan enseñado que es normal sentir una pérdida, llorar o sentirse deprimido. Desafortunadamente, algunos pueden sentirse suicidas, pensando que no pueden superar el dolor. Si usted o un ser querido alguna vez ha tenido pensamientos suicidas debido a un problema con el juego, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a la línea de ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT para Florida y hable con alguien de forma confidencial para obtener ayuda y apoyo. No se quede aislado en su dolor: busque un oído comprensivo y exprese sus sentimientos. La sanación comienza con compartir y ser abierto con los demás.

Si actualmente está experimentando pensamientos suicidas, comuníquese con la Línea Nacional de Suicidio y Crisis al 988. Tanto la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT como la Línea Nacional de Suicidio y Crisis están disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.

Hay muchas pérdidas diferentes que uno puede experimentar a lo largo de la vida. Considere estos:

  • Pérdida de trabajo
  • Negligencia o abuso
  • Jubilación
  • Divorcio
  • Pérdida de la juventud
  • Muerte de una mascota
  • Nido vacío (hijos que se van de casa)
  • Adicción de pareja

Cualquier pérdida es un cambio significativo para cualquier persona, y si la enfrenta de la manera correcta en el momento adecuado, en realidad puede tener una influencia positiva. Puede enseñarle algo sobre usted mismo, la vida, la naturaleza o algo sobre quién o qué perdió. Lo creas o no, la pérdida y el dolor que causa te da la oportunidad de crecer. Muchos tienen pérdidas de la infancia que aún quedan sin resolver.

Una de las principales habilidades de afrontamiento a las que las personas recurren de forma natural, aunque no es saludable, es escapar de alguna manera. Esto puede ser alejándose de los demás o actuando de manera dañina para nosotros mismos o para los demás. Beber alcohol para adormecer el dolor es un mecanismo de afrontamiento generalmente entendido, gracias a su frecuente referencia en la ficción y la cultura pop, pero está lejos de ser el único. El abuso de drogas ilegales, las compras/gastos excesivos y el juego también se pueden utilizar para escapar y afrontar el duelo, la pérdida e incluso el estrés.

Usar el juego como un escape o mecanismo de afrontamiento es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de la ludopatía, y la razón de esto se encuentra muy por debajo de la superficie. El juego desencadena respuestas neuroquímicas, que iluminan la dopamina y la serotonina en el cerebro y hacen que el jugador se sienta mejor por el momento, adormeciendo temporalmente el dolor emocional del duelo y la pérdida. Aquí radica el peligro: el juego proporciona un escape temporal para sentirse bien, ¡pero nunca hará que nadie supere una pérdida! Desafortunadamente, el resultado puede ser posponer el proceso de curación de la pérdida mientras se confía en el juego para un alivio rápido y una posible progresión hacia el juego problemático.

El Dr. Markku Linnoila, director clínico del Instituto Nacional sobre el Abuso del Alcohol y el Alcoholismo, dice: “Por improbable que parezca la asociación desde la superficie, el comportamiento posterior de las personas en duelo, posiblemente causado más por los cambios biológicos que por el duelo en sí, puede estar relacionado con el estímulo de las compulsiones de algunos alcohólicos, jugadores e incluso pirómanos. Los cambios biológicos que surgen del proceso de duelo pueden ser similares al proceso biológico que lleva al comportamiento compulsivo“.1 Entonces, el duelo no solo es una respuesta emocional a la pérdida, sino también una respuesta física, al igual que cualquier adicción.

Es importante distinguir la diferencia entre el duelo y la depresión. Con el duelo, una persona puede lidiar con la pérdida de manera saludable. Hay un comienzo y un final. Sabes cuándo has llegado al otro lado, porque sentirás un sentido de liberación, comprensión y calma. En contraste, la depresión puede durar años y tener un efecto físico en el cuerpo también. Con la depresión, puedes sentir que estás atrapado en los sentimientos tristes y otros síntomas, mientras que el duelo es más natural, saludable y de corta duración.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross trabajó con pacientes moribundos y escribió un libro sobre el proceso de duelo. Encontró que las etapas normales y saludables por las que pasamos son; negación, ira, negociación, depresión y finalmente aceptación.2 Es posible que saltes de una etapa a otra pero lo más importante es que está bien llorar. Es saludable llorar. Eventualmente disminuirá y es una liberación saludable tanto física como emocionalmente.

Dondequiera que estés en el proceso de duelo por cualquier motivo, es importante aceptar y procesar la pérdida con el tiempo. Tu tiempo. Encontrarás tu camino después de la pérdida y aprenderás una nueva forma de vivir, incorporando esta pérdida. Si tú o alguien que conoces está preocupado por el problema del juego, comunícate con la Línea de Ayuda para el Juego Problemático en Florida las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, de manera confidencial y multilingüe llamando o enviando un mensaje de texto al 888-ADMIT-IT. También hay chat en vivo, autoevaluaciones y más información disponible en

  1. Sandy Rovner. Gambling and Grief: A Biological Link? 30 de octubre de 1985,
  2. “Five Stages of Grief – Understanding the Kubler-Ross Model.” Psycom, HealthCentral LLC, 22 de marzo de 2016,

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How to Heal from Grief and Loss While Living with Gambling Addiction

How to Heal from Grief and Loss While Living with Gambling Addiction

Grieving is a natural process and a natural part of life. It is healthy to grieve any loss sustained in our lives. No matter how big or small, or what anyone thinks, only we can know when, how, and for how long we should grieve the loss. Most never consider the loss of a partner or relationship due to disordered gambling should include a time of grieving as well. Compulsive gambling is a hidden addiction. You can’t see or smell it like drugs or alcohol. So, what happens to an unknowing partner, spouse, or loved one when his or her partner is suffering from gambling addiction? At first, it may seem like that person is having an affair and in a way, they are; in the sense of playing machines, cards, or betting on their phone. Often, once the unknowing partner has found out about the problem, it is further on in the progression of gambling disorder and can be like a death to the relationship, creating loss and followed by grief.

Some of us have had some losses that we have yet to deal with. Some believe they can just shove it down and think it will eventually just go away. Some may be afraid to feel the loss or weren’t taught that it is normal to feel a loss, cry, or feel depressed. Unfortunately, some may feel suicidal, thinking they cannot get through the pain. If you or a loved one has ever have had suicidal thoughts due to problem gambling, please call or text the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine for Florida and speak with someone confidentially for help and support. Do not remain isolated in your grief – seek a sympathetic ear and express your feelings. Healing begins with sharing and openness with others.

If you are currently experiencing thoughts of suicide, contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Both the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine and the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline are available 24/7.

There are many different losses that one can experience throughout life. Consider these:

  • Loss of a job
  • Neglect or abuse
  • Retirement
  • Divorce
  • Loss of youth
  • Death of a pet
  • Empty nest (children leaving home)
  • Partner addiction

Any loss is a significant change for anyone, and if you deal with it the right way at the right time, it can actually have a positive influence. It may teach you something about yourself, life, nature, or something about who or what you lost. Believe it or not, the loss and the grief it causes gives you an opportunity to grow. Many have losses from childhood still left unresolved. One of the main coping skills people naturally resort to, although not a healthy one, is to escape in some way. This can be by withdrawing from others or acting out in harmful ways to ourselves or others. Drinking alcohol to numb the pain is a generally understood coping mechanism, thanks to its frequent reference in fiction and pop culture – but it is far from the only one. Abusing illegal drugs, shopping/overspending, and gambling can also be used to escape and cope with grief, loss, and even stress.

Using gambling as an escape or coping mechanism is a risk factor for the development of gambling addiction, and the reason for this lies far below the surface. Gambling triggers neurochemical responses, lighting up dopamine and serotonin in the brain and making the gambler feel better for the moment, temporarily numbing the emotional pain of grief and loss. Herein lies the danger – gambling provides temporary feel-good escapism but will never progress anyone in overcoming a loss! Unfortunately, the result can be postponing the healing process for the loss while relying on gambling for quick relief and possible progression into problem gambling.

Dr. Markku Linnoila, clinical director of the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism says “as unlikely an association as it may seem from the surface, the subsequent behavior of grieving persons – possibly caused more by the biological changes than by the grief per se – may be related to the stimulus for the compulsions of some alcoholics, gamblers, and even arsonists. Biological changes that stem from the grieving process may be similar to the biological process that leads to compulsive behavior.”1 So not only is grief an emotional response to loss, but also a physical response, much like any addiction.

It is important to distinguish the difference between mourning and depression. With mourning, an individual can deal with the loss in a healthy way. There is a beginning and an end to it. You know when you have made it through to the other side, because you will feel a sense of release, understanding, and calm. In contrast, depression can last for years and take a physical toll on the body as well. With depression, you can feel like you are stuck in the sad feelings and other symptoms, whereas mourning is more natural, healthy, and short lived.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross worked with dying patients and wrote a book on the grieving process. She found the normal healthy stages we naturally go through are; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance.2 You may jump back and forth with these stages but most importantly, it is ok to cry. It is healthy to cry. It will eventually lessen, and it is a healthy release both physically and emotionally.

Wherever you are in the grieving process for any reason, it is important to accept and process the loss over time. Your time. You will find your way after the loss and learn a new way to live, incorporating this loss. If you or someone you know is worried about problem gambling, contact the 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual Problem Gambling HelpLine for Florida by calling or texting 888-ADMIT-IT. Live chat, self-assessments, and more information are also available on

  1. Sandy Rovner. Gambling and Grief: A Biological Link? October 30, 1985,
  2. “Five Stages of Grief – Understanding the Kubler-Ross Model.” Psycom, HealthCentral LLC, 22 Mar. 2016,

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WEB LETTER: High-Risk College Students a Concern Amid Rising Sports Betting Access

[IMAGE] June 2024 Web Letter

Did you know that college students are at a higher risk for the development of gambling addiction? In 2008, the FCCG’s Florida college student gambling and problem gambling prevalence study found that an alarming 14.5% were at risk for gambling problems (compared with 7.1% of the Florida adult population) while 2.7% met the criteria for problem gambling – about twice the number found among adults!

A lot has changed since then. In 2023, the NCAA performed a nationwide survey of 18- to 22-year-old young adults, including both college students and those not attending college.

Read the June Web Letter to learn what the survey found about how problem gambling is impacting college students and the resources available to Floridians through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine for anyone impacted.

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February 2024 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter

February 2024 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter


FREE Educational Gambling Videos!

Get FREE Money at Internet Casinos!

Matt & Steve are The Jackpot Gents!

Play in FREE Monthly Slot Tournaments and win CASH PRIZES!


Here’s the latest news for February from the American Casino Guide Book and The Jackpot Gents.

We have added three more FREE casino coupons for you to download! Check it out below!

In this month’s video we interview a slot machine expert to ask: are slot machines getting tighter?

Did you know we release a new video every day where we play video poker live in a casino?

And, finally, we continue to add more information about video poker on website, including FREE video poker strategy charts! 

Look below for full details on all of these stories from this month’s newsletter!



Steve and Matt Bourie
The Jackpot Gents
American Casino Guide Book

February Video: Are Slot Machines Getting Tighter?

Matt and Steve talk with Josh O’Connell, editor of, to discuss a hot topic in the casino industry – are slot machines getting tighter?

In this interview, we dive deep into the reasons why players may feel that machines are getting tighter, even if the payback percentages remain pretty much the same.

Josh shares his expert insights and opinions on the matter, providing valuable information for both seasoned and novice gamblers.

Watch “Are Slots Getting Tighter” Interview Now!

Watch “How To Gamble” Videos on American Casino Guide book YouTube Channel!

We now have more than 100 instructional “how to gamble” videos on our American Casino Guide book YouTube Channel!

Our videos offer insightful tutorials that cater to both novices and seasoned players alike.


Uncover the secrets of popular casino games like blackjack, craps and roulette, as well as great tips for playing slot machines and video poker.

All guided by expert insights that promise to elevate your gaming knowledge.

Visit the American Casino Guide Book YouTube Channel!

Download FREE Video Poker Strategy Charts!

We have been adding new video poker content to The Jackpot Gents website.

We have two especially helpful sections where you can get details on pay tables and and you can also download strategy charts for the most popular video poker games. The best part is it’s all FREE!

Click the link below to check out all of this great information – all for FREE!

Learn to Play Video Poker Like a Pro For Free!

The Jackpot Gents Release a NEW Video Every Day! Watch Them Play Video Poker!

Steve and Matt Bourie, also known as The Jackpot Gents, release a new video every day at 9:30 a.m. EST, showing their video poker play in a real casino!

They play for about 20 minutes and at the end of each video they show you their results for that day, as well as give a win/loss total on how they are doing for the year.

Steve and Matt usually bet $25 per spin, but they will sometimes bet as much as $125 per spin on hundred play games! Click below to learn more!

Visit The Jackpot Gents YouTube Channel

Find The Best February Promotions In Las Vegas!

Did you know that each month we publish a list of all the best casino promotions for Las Vegas?

See you next month!

American Casino Guide Team

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March 2024 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter

March 2024 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter

Here’s the latest news for March from the American Casino Guide Book and The Jackpot Gents.

In this month’s video we interview Anthony Curtis from the Las Vegas Advisor newsletter to get an update on what’s happening in Vegas!

We also have an extra video this month! It’s a 3-minute video that’s a quiz on casino gambling. Are you smart enough to know the answers?

Don’t forget that we release a new video every day showing us playing video poker live in a casino!

And, finally, we continue to add more information about video poker on website, including FREE video poker strategy charts! 

Look below for full details on all of these stories from this month’s newsletter!



Steve and Matt Bourie
The Jackpot Gents
American Casino Guide Book

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April 2024 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter

April 2024 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter


FREE Educational Gambling Videos!

Get FREE Money at Internet Casinos!

Matt & Steve are The Jackpot Gents!

Play in FREE Monthly Slot Tournaments and win CASH PRIZES!


Here’s the latest news for April from the American Casino Guide Book and The Jackpot Gents.

Did you know that famed professional poker playe Phil Ivey was involved in a $20 million baccarat “cheating” scandal? We did a video on this topic and it’s so interesting that a movie is being made about the scandal! See below for more details.

As always, we release a new video every day showing us playing video poker live in a casino! Be sure to follow along to track our progress for the year.

And, don’t firget that we are continuously adding more information about video poker on website, including pya tables and FREE video poker strategy charts! 

Look below for full details on all of these stories from this month’s newsletter!



Steve and Matt Bourie
The Jackpot Gents
American Casino Guide Book

Video: The $20 Million Phil Ivey Baccarat “Cheating” Scandal. What Happened?

Steve and Matt Bourie, from the American Casino Guide book, interview casino consultant Bill Zender to discuss the $20 Million Phil Ivey baccarat “cheating” scandal.

They recap what happened, according to published reports, and they also get extra “behind the scenes” details from Zender about the situation, which is now being made into a major motion picture.

Awkwafina,the rapper-turned-actress, is set to star in ‘The Baccarat Machine,’ an upcoming film chronicling the unbelievable true story of Cheung Yin “Kelly” Sun – who partnered with Ivey in the scheme.

The movie from the producers of ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ follows Sun’s infamous playing career after casinos across the globe banned her for her ingenious card strategies. Undeterred, Sun formed an unlikely alliance with poker legend Phil Ivey, kickstarting a lucrative partnership that would net them millions through meticulously legal means.

Watch The $20 Million Phil Ivey Baccarat “Cheating” Scandal!

Download FREE Video Poker Pay Tables and Strategy Charts!

We have been adding new video poker content to The Jackpot Gents website.

We have two especially helpful sections where you can get details on pay tables and and you can also download strategy charts for the most popular video poker games. The best part is it’s all FREE!

Click the link below to check out all of this great information – all for FREE!

Learn to Play Video Poker Like a Pro For Free!

The Jackpot Gents Release a NEW Video Every Day! Watch Them Play Video Poker!

Steve and Matt Bourie, also known as The Jackpot Gents, release a new video every day at 9:30 a.m. EST, showing their video poker play in a real casino!

They play for about 20 minutes and at the end of each video they show you their results for that day, as well as give a win/loss total on how they are doing for the year.

Steve and Matt usually bet $25 per spin, but they will sometimes bet as much as $125 per spin on hundred play games! Click below to learn more!

Visit The Jackpot Gents YouTube Channel

Find The Best Casino Promotions In Las Vegas!

Did you know that each month we publish a list of all the best casino promotions for Las Vegas?

See you next month!

American Casino Guide Team

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May 2024 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter

May 2024 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter

Here’s the latest news for May from the American Casino Guide Book and The Jackpot Gents.

We have three new videos this month on the American Casino Guide Book channel! The first, is with Anthony Curtis about the latest news from Las Vegas. The second is about one of the newest trends in slot machines: perceived persistence. And, in the third video, Matt and Steve give tips on how to have more fun when playing slots.

Plus, we had our two biggest video poker wins EVER this past week. Make sure you see the videos where we won over $20,000 on TWO HANDS!

We also have a companion article with Josh O’Connell where he goes much more in-depth into perceived persistence slot machines.

And, finally, a reminder that we are continuously adding more information about video poker on website, including pay tables and FREE video poker strategy charts! 

Look below for full details on all of these stories from this month’s newsletter!



Steve and Matt Bourie
The Jackpot Gents
American Casino Guide Book

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December 2023 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter

December 2023 American Casino Guide Book Newsletter

Check out the latest updates regarding the American Casino Guide Book and The Jackpot Gents.

As always, we’re providing valuable tips to help you maximize your casino experience and get the best value for your money.

Exciting news this month includes our efforts to extend the expiration dates of FREE coupons in our app for the 2024 year! More details can be found below.

Join us for weekly LIVE video poker training sessions on our educational YouTube channel. Check the link below for this week’s session and feel free to leave a comment with any video poker questions you’d like answered.

Additionally, we’re thrilled to share detailed information on our new video poker content on website. Explore further details below! 


Steve and Matt Bourie
The Jackpot Gents
American Casino Guide Book

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Vegas Values Report – Details on the Best Casino Promotions in Las Vegas!

See the best Las Vegas casino promotions! Come back the second Sunday of each month to find the best values in Las Vegas. Updated by Scot Krause, our Las Vegas promotions reporter. 

Here’s what we found!

Sahara: Thursdays in June: Swipe at the Kiosk to double your slot multiplier between 4am – 11:59pm. National Bourbon Day, June 14: On Friday, June 14, guests can say cheers to National Bourbon Day with 50% off all bourbon all day long at The Tangier. With more than 200 brown spirits, visitors can savor the expansive selection at this classic Vegas lounge.

Mirage/Hard Rock: Visit The Mirage on Friday, June 14 and pick up a Unity by Hard Rock T-shirt at the Players Club from 10:00am – 10:00pm. T-shirts are exclusive to Unity members and available while supplies last. Note: Hard Rock International (HRI) announced its plans to cease operations of The Mirage Hotel & Casino as of July 17, 2024, to begin the transformation of the property into the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino and Guitar Hotel Las Vegas. Property will be closed for approximately 3 years.

Downtown Grand: The Furnace Bar is getting a major upgrade; getting all new games and to celebrate they are throwing a party. Every 4 of a kind gets you a free play prize, plus every hand pay gets you entered to win a 2-night stay in one of our suites. Valid only at Furnace Bar during the event day. Mark your calendars for June 15th. See Grand Rewards Booth for rules and details.

FREE Slot Tournament with over $2,000 in prize money! – The publishers of the American Casino Guide have created a website to play in slot tournaments for FREE! A new tournament begins the first of each month and last all month long. No download is needed and you can play right away!  You get 7,500 credits to play and the top scorers win a  prize – and you can play up to five times for FREE! To play, or for more details, go to:  Please note that you must be 18, or older, to play. Good luck!

Silverton: National Strawberry Shortcake Day – June 14: In celebration of National Strawberry Shortcake Day on June 14, Sundance Grill will offer a $2 strawberry tall cake with a purchase of an entrée.

Rampart: Two-for-One Lunch and Dinner at Market Place Buffet, June 17. On Monday, June 17, players earning 50 same-day points will receive two-for-one entry to the Market Place Buffet. Regularly priced at $32.99 per person, the buffet is served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 to 8 p.m.

Silverton: June 3-6 & 17-20 – Earn and Win – Folding Chair. Earn 2,500 points each Monday through Thursday to win a folding chair. Prize pick-up will be available on Fridays and Saturdays June 7, 8, 21 and 22. See the website for complete details. Visit

25 FREE Casino Coupons! – Get FREE match play bets, 2-for-1 shows, dining and room discounts, plus other great deals with the FREE casino coupons on our website and apps. To see what FREE coupons are currently being offered, visit our Casino Coupons page and print out the coupons yourself! We continue to add new coupons, so please check back often. 

The Shops at Crystals: Located on the Las Vegas Strip, welcomes summer with a stunning new floral installation.  The vibrant display features turquoise, purple and yellow peacocks, complimented by hanging lanterns and colorful orchids. The floral installations are refreshed seasonally with new designs and arrangements. Guests can enjoy the peacock display through the summer months. The Shops at Crystals is home to a highly curated collection of over 50 of the finest luxury brands in the world. The center is open Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday through Saturday, 10 a.m.—10 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m.—9 p.m.

Mob Museum: Buy One, Get One Free General Admission for Nevada Locals. Dates and Time: Every day in June before 11 a.m. Nevada locals with proof of residency can enjoy buy one, get one free on general admission. Every day in June before 11 a.m., Nevada locals with proof of residency are eligible to receive buy one, get one free on general admission. Tickets can be purchased online or at the Museum box office.

Plaza: Every weekend this summer features a live fireworks show Friday night at 9:15 p.m., through Aug. 30 for Labor Day weekend. Inspired by the fireworks shows at Disneyland, the Plaza’s Welcome to the Weekend Summer Friday Fireworks will light up the sky above downtown Las Vegas and be part of a festive summer block party atmosphere at the property’s Carousel Bar and rooftop pool deck. The fireworks shot from the Plaza’s towers will be visible to the thousands of tourists and locals in downtown Las Vegas as well as for miles beyond. Plaza hotel guests will be able to enjoy the fireworks from an exclusive viewing party on its rooftop pool deck where the fireworks will be “ignited” by a special guest pushing a detonator button on an oversized TNT box. To attract even more people to stay downtown, the Plaza introduced the only all-inclusive hotel room package starting at $125 per person per night. The package includes bottomless drinks, breakfast and dinner, a free bingo session, waived resort fees, and more. Rooms must be booked online by June 30 for a stay June 1 through July 1. The Friday night rooftop pool party for hotel guests will feature the Frozen Firecracker, a special red, white, and blue cocktail made with strawberry daiquiri, pina colada, and blue lemonade spiked with Don Q Rum. At Carousel Bar the summer party vibe continues every Friday night with a DJ and the specialty cocktail Watermelon Agua Fresca made with Mi Campo tequila, Jägermeister, rose aperitivo, watermelon juice, chamoy, and aloe leaves as a garnish.

FREE 14-day Gold Membership at – No credit card required! – is operated by Action Gaming, the developer of the most popular games including: 3-play, 5-play, 10-play, 100-play, Ultimate X, Quick Quads, and Super Times Pay. It’s the only place you can play the same video poker games found in casinos. We have a special, exclusive offer that allows you to get a Free 14-day Gold membership and no credit card information is required! With this Gold membership, besides playing your favorite video poker games, you will also learn the proper strategies for playing all of your hands. Plus, you will have the ability to change the pay tables to match up to the same pay tables that you will find in the casinos where you like to play! Try it free for 14 days with no need to enter any credit information – only by using this link –

House of Blues: Inside Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino has announced additional 2024 dates for the renowned House of Blues Gospel Brunch. Emcee Patti Pennington, with infectious enthusiasm, describes it as “churrrch on the Strip,” and invites everyone to pass the biscuits, raise their hands in the air, and prepare to groove! Just Added 2024 Performances:  June 2 & 16, July 7 & 21 and August 4 & 18. All performances start at 10 a.m. Tickets are on sale now at Groups of 10 or more can call the House of Blues box office at 702-632-7600 for reservations. Tickets for Gospel Brunch at House of Blues are $64.50 (adults), $37.50 (children three – 11), plus applicable fees. A portion of ticket sales supports the House of Blues Music Forward Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides arts and cultural educational programs and resources for youth in communities across the United States. The all-you-can-eat Gospel Brunch is a non-denominational, immersive celebration of gospel music to help wipe away your troubles and leave you inspired. With a buffet menu that is ever-evolving, the Gospel Brunch menu includes southern specialties and morning feast favorites omelet and ham carving stations, red rose-roasted potatoes, biscuits & gravy, BBQ chicken, creamy mac & cheese, cider-braised Brussels sprouts, andouille sausage & chicken jambalaya, chicken & waffles, and an array of salads, seasonal fruits, desserts and breakfast pastries. Menus may change from event to event. Create-your-own Bloody Mary and mimosa bars are also available for guests 21 and older for an additional cost. House of Blues Gospel Brunch has been a staple of Sunday morning family entertainment around the country for more than two decades. Featuring a rotating cast of the area’s biggest and brightest gospel and R&B talents, guests will enjoy traditional and contemporary gospel songs.

Video Poker Training Software– One of the best ways to improve your playing skills is to use video poker software. By practicing with software you will easily be able to identify the best-paying machines in any casino, plus you will be able to practice playing those games so you can play at a near-perfect level. Our website has a page to get details on the bestselling video poker software:  Winpoker. It is available in both an instant download format, or on a CD to play on your Windows computer. For more information, go to our video poker software page.

Circa Sports: The Nevada-based sports betting brand has brought back the popular professional football contests Circa Million VI and Circa Survivor with its biggest payout yet – $16 million, no rake. With signups launching May 24 at 9 a.m. in all Circa Sports Nevada locations, this marks the largest prize pool ever for contests of this kind. For the 2024-2025 season, Circa Survivor will return with a $10 million prize guarantee and Circa Million VI with a $6 million guarantee. Sign-ups begin May 24 at 9 a.m. at all Circa Sports Nevada locations and are open until September 7th at 2 p.m. during the first week of the professional football season.

The Circa Survivor contest winner will win $10 million guaranteed plus more if entries exceed this amount. Circa Survivor will consist of up to 20 legs throughout the year, one for every week of the football season plus two special holiday weeks. Each week, participants will choose a team to win straight up, but the player cannot pick the same team twice for the duration of the season. Thanksgiving + Black Friday and the Christmas leg (Wednesday/Thursday games) will each be considered their own contest weeks. Entries are $1,000 each, with a maximum of 10 entries per participant. An entrant can purchase additional entries if they lose their original entries on the opening Thursday night or Friday night games. All entrants will receive a Circa Survivor 2024 hat. Entries are eliminated from the contest by selecting a team that subsequently loses or ties its game that week. If more than one entry remains after 20 legs, the pool will be split equally amongst all the entries that successfully submitted a selection during the leg. An entrant cannot go into the Saturday deadline with more than ten active entries. Each team can only be selected once each entry during the contest season. During the season, picks are due at 4 p.m. PST every Saturday or before kickoff of the selected games. For Thanksgiving and Black Friday, picks are due by 10 p.m. PST the preceding Wednesday night. For Christmas, picks are due by 9 a.m. PST on Wednesday, December 25.

Circa Million VI will deliver $6 million guaranteed in total prizes, with a $1 million first place prize that comes with a coveted Circa Sports blue jacket. The contest is no rake, and any extra fees go into the quarter- and full-season prize pools. $3.65 million will be allocated amongst places two through 100 and $300,000 of prizes per quarter will be awarded every four to five weeks. The last place booby prize winner will receive $100,000 and second to last place booby prize winner will receive $50,000. Each player will make five picks against the spread each week via the Circa Sports Nevada mobile app, a Circa Sports kiosk or over the counter at any of the six Circa Sports locations in Nevada. One point will be awarded for each correct selection and one-half point for each push. Each entry for Circa Million VI is $1,000, with a maximum of five entries per person. All entrants will receive a Circa Million VI hat. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 100 places for the season, the top five places within each quarter of the season, the last place and second to last place full season score and the last place score within each quarter of the season. Contest point spreads will be posted every Thursday around 10 a.m. PST, with selections due by 4 p.m. Saturday. During Thanksgiving week, point spreads will be posted at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

Contest Sign-Up Locations

For more information, visit Sign-ups and entries for both contests can be made now at any of the following Nevada Circa Sports locations in Las Vegas and Sparks:

•         Circa Resort & Casino
•         the D Las Vegas
•         Silverton Casino Lodge
•         Tuscany Suites & Casino
•         The Pass at Water Street
•         Legends Bay in Sparks, NV

Players can sign-up for the contests at any of the Circa Sports Nevada locations, and entries for players outside of Nevada can register a proxy to submit picks from within the state. Additionally, Circa Sports will return with their “Contest Weekend” celebrations throughout various locations in Nevada, with more details to come in the following weeks.

Get our FREE App! – We are no longer publishing our annual guide book with casino coupons. However, all of the detailed casino information from our book on all US casinos is now available for FREE on our website, as well as on our FREE iOS and Android apps. Get the American Casino Guide Android app NOW!    Or, download the iOS app NOW!   Also, if you already have the app installed, be sure to upgrade to the latest version to enjoy all of the benefits it offers.

New coupon for Mob Museum admission discount is now available in the American Casino Guide app and on the website on the FREE coupons page.

FREE No Deposit Online Casino Bonuses!: Like to play at online casinos? Our sister website has more than 30 exclusive offers that give you FREE casino cash when you open a new account! No credit card is required and no need to deposit any money! To see the offers, go to:

Ongoing Las Vegas Casino Deals

We also give information on the best promotions in Las Vegas that are offered on a continuing basis. Click to see the latest edition of the Ongoing Vegas Values reports


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