Have a Game Plan® to Know the Differences Between Responsible Gambling & Problem Gambling

Every September is recognized as Responsible Gaming Education Month (RGEM). The primary purpose of RGEM is to shed light on problem gambling while encouraging responsible gambling, and bring awareness and access to help for individuals, families, and communities in need. The American Gaming Association (AGA) leads the RGEM campaign nationwide and encourages gambling operators and patrons to Have a Game Plan®.

RGEM also serves as a reminder that help, hope, and resources exist for those who suffer from problem gambling. The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling joins the RGEM campaign each year to champion responsible gambling habits while raising awareness about the signs of problem gambling and the help available in Florida through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine.

While most can gamble safely as a form of recreation, recognize that anyone can develop a gambling problem. That’s why it’s important for everyone to be aware of responsible gambling practices and how they compare to the signs of problem gambling. Those who suffer from gambling disorder experience financial difficulties, relationship problems, mental health issues, and even legal troubles. Not to mention, an average of 8-10 other people are impacted by each case of problem gambling.

Responsible Gambling Practices Problem Gambling Warning Signs
Playing for Fun Gambling to Escape Life Problems
Understanding the Odds Believing You Can Beat the Odds
Setting Time & Money Limits Borrowing Money to Gamble
Taking Breaks in Play Chasing Your Losses
Knowing When to Walk Away Can’t Walk Away

Even the best need a game plan to succeed. If you chose to gamble, add the following strategies to make your responsible gambling playbook:

  • CALL THE PLAYS: Only you can keep your gambling responsible, and only you can set your boundaries. Set time and money limits before you start, and stick to them. Take breaks in play when YOU need them. Know when to walk away, even if nobody else does.
  • TEAM UP: Consider teaming up with a friend to help each other stick to your personal game plans, but never pressure anyone to gamble.
  • START THE STOPWATCH: Set a timer or an alarm on your phone to keep track of time spent betting. When you hear the buzzer, it’s time to stop.
  • EXPECT TO LOSE THIS GAME: Don’t gamble money you can’t afford to lose. Treat gambling only as a form of entertainment and never as a way to make money or solve problems.
  • KEEP THE BALANCE: What else do you enjoy? Make sure to balance gambling with other recreational activities.

Can’t Walk Away? Blow the Whistle! Call or Text 888-ADMIT-IT. Help and hope are always available for anyone in Florida worried about gambling, including both gamblers and loved ones, through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine. Every contact is completely free and confidential, and multilingual service is available. Call or text, 24/7! Learn more at gamblinghelp.org/rgem.

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