Finding an Ophthalmologist in Austin TX - What Can You Do At Home to Beat Your Seasonal Allergies?

eye allergies

If you are like millions of other people, the start of a new season brings the promise of summertime fun, but also the fear of seasonal allergies. Though they can’t be cured, they can be prevented or, at least, kept to a minimum. Here are a few things that you can do to avoid a season of misery.

Avoid the Irritant First and foremost, know what it is that bothers you and do your best to avoid it. This might mean staying inside with windows closed, or using something – a bandana, mask, etc. – to prevent the inhalation of the allergens. Avoidance is the very best way to prevent a nasty outbreak of runny nose, itchy eyes, sore throat, and the other symptoms associated with hay fever. If you are exposed to the irritant, then you would be wise to consider a quick shower and a change of clothing to get any remaining particles off of you.

Don’t Let Throat Become Irritated When the nose starts running and doesn’t want to stop, there is another annoying side effect to be concerned with. If you can’t prevent the runny nose all together, then you can do something to avoid the associated sore throat. Caused by postnasal drip, it can be alleviated with regularly gargling of salt water and drinking plenty of fluid throughout the day.

Look to the Medicine Cabinet Though avoidance is the best defense, sometimes contact with an allergen is not preventable. In these cases, it might be necessary to consider the use of antihistamines. If allergy symptoms become severe, speak with your doctor. For help with troubling eye allergies, schedule a visit with a well trained and experienced ophthalmologist (also known as an eye allergy doctor).

Inspect Home For Mold Though it may seem as if you are suffering from seasonal allergies, it could be that outbreaks of mold are to blame. Many individuals who suffer with hay fever also have trouble with mold. Prolonged exposure can result in serious respiratory complications in prone individuals.

See an Allergist If your seasonal allergies don’t fade away at the end of the season, then it might be time to consider a visit to the allergist. These trained specialists can help you determine other allergy triggers, such as mold, dust, pets, grass, and more. In less than an hour, you can have answers for your list of annoying symptoms.

Visit the ophthalmologist If you find that you are experiencing a lot of symptoms in your eyes and cannot find comfort from the itching and redness, then it is highly advised that you speak to an ophthalmologist. Austin eye doctors can help you find a system of treating the symptoms so you can enjoy the year without concern of allergic reaction.

When to Seek Emergency Attention There are times to consider a more immediate form of help. This is true if you experience a sudden tightness in your chest or wheezing, if the hives continue to spread, there is extreme swelling noted, or if you experience a skin infection.

Broberg Eye Care
4207 James Casey St # 305

Austin, TX,

(512) 447-6096

image attribution to orangeacid

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