Cómo Romper el Ciclo de la Acción del Juego

Para lograr una recuperación efectiva con el juego compulsivo, es crucial comprender la psicología que aborda el ciclo de la acción del juego. También es igual de importante adquirir las habilidades para salir del ciclo y entrar en la recuperación. Piensa en ello como si estuvieras en un carrusel y tuvieras que encontrar una manera de salir. ¿Cómo lo harías? Sigue leyendo, y te explicaremos cómo puedes arrojar una llave inglesa (habilidad de afrontamiento) en el ciclo en cualquier momento para evitar que continúe.

Pensamientos y Fantasías

El ciclo o episodio de juego comienza con tener pensamientos y fantasías de juego. Esta es la primera fase de “acción”, un término utilizado por profesionales que significa estar actualmente comprometido, ya sea consciente o inconscientemente, con pensamientos o comportamientos para apostar. Esto consiste en los pensamientos y fantasías de episodios pasados de juego, como recordar una gran victoria pero no las pérdidas (recuerdo eufórico). Las imágenes cerebrales han mostrado que los jugadores compulsivos “se emocionarán” solo con pensar en el juego. ¡Esto significa que el cerebro está realmente liberando dopamina (un neurotransmisor producido en el cerebro que ayuda a las personas a sentir placer, satisfacción y motivación a nivel químico), serotonina (un neurotransmisor que ayuda a controlar el estado de ánimo y juega un papel en la felicidad, el optimismo y la satisfacción) y adrenalina (una hormona que causa un aumento de la frecuencia cardíaca, presión arterial alta y respiración rápida y superficial para preparar el cuerpo para situaciones estresantes o intensas) sin ingerir ninguna sustancia como drogas o alcohol. ¡Todos estos cambios químicos que influyen en los pensamientos y comportamientos ocurren solo pensando en el juego!


La segunda fase del ciclo implica encontrar formas y oportunidades para apostar, junto con el acceso al dinero y eliminar cualquier obstáculo que pueda surgir. También hay emoción durante esta fase. Es un desafío para el jugador lograr todo esto sin que nadie sepa lo que está haciendo. Esa es una emoción en sí misma.


Este es el comportamiento real de juego. Esta fase generalmente termina cuando algo externo la detiene, como falta de dinero, tiempo, ser descubierto o tener que lidiar con otras obligaciones.


Esta fase final es cuando la realidad se derrumba debido a la pérdida de dinero, promesas rotas y/o dificultad para cumplir con responsabilidades como facturas, alquiler, comida y deudas con familiares y amigos. Esta fase puede provocar una gran culpa, vergüenza, depresión y ansiedad. Los resultados pueden provocar emociones devastadoras hacia uno mismo y hacia los demás, manifestándose en ira, violencia física, comportamientos ilegales e incluso ideación e intentos suicidas. Puede haber sentimientos de impotencia y desesperanza de no poder detener la locura del juego desordenado. Finalmente, esta fase puede terminar con un proceso conocido como “El Arte de Sacarte del Agujero”, antes de que el ciclo comience nuevamente. Aprende más aquí.

El Ciclo Puede Ser Roto. ¡La Recuperación es Posible! ¡La Ayuda y la Esperanza Siempre Están Disponibles!

La Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT, Confidencial y Multilingüe, está siempre disponible para ayudarte a detener el ciclo y conectarte con herramientas y recursos poderosos, sin importar dónde te encuentres. Nunca estás solo en la batalla contra el juego problemático. Además, considera los siguientes pasos para ayudar a detener este ciclo en cualquier punto del episodio:

Fase de Pensamientos y Fantasías:

  1. Establece barreras para el dinero. El acceso a recursos de Autoexclusión de Efectivo disponibles a través de la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT puede marcar una gran diferencia.
  2. Comparte con un amigo o familiar de confianza que estás teniendo pensamientos de juego.
  3. Recuerda cómo te sentiste la última vez que jugaste y perdiste.
  4. Escribe todas las consecuencias negativas que el juego te ha causado en tu vida.

Fase de Planificación:

  1. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 888-ADMIT-IT y pregunta sobre el Programa de Conexión entre Pares, donde puedes hablar con una persona en recuperación por problema de juego que ha estado en tu situación.
  2. Llama a un amigo o familiar en quien confíes, cuéntales lo que está pasando y haz planes para pasar tiempo con ellos en lugar de ir a jugar.
  3. Entrega cualquier tarjeta de crédito/débito/ATM y dinero en efectivo a tu cónyuge o un amigo de confianza para su custodia segura y evita tu capacidad de actuar por impulsos. Los Cuadernos de Trabajo de Autoayuda A Chance for Change de la FCCG, disponibles de forma gratuita a través del 888-ADMIT-IT, pueden ayudarte a desarrollar estrategias efectivas como esta y otras.
  4. Usa un auto-diálogo positivo. Tú PUEDES romper el ciclo y resistir el impulso de jugar.

Fase de Juego:

  1. ¡Tómate un descanso! Date tiempo para considerar las acciones que estás tomando y cuáles pueden ser los resultados.
  2. Busca recursos de Auto-exclusión para prevenir el juego continuo. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 888-ADMIT-IT para conectarte con estas herramientas, que están disponibles para formas de juego presenciales y en línea.

Fase de Caída:

  1. ¡Busca ayuda! Los Especialistas de la Línea de Ayuda 888-ADMIT-IT están disponibles las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, para proporcionar conversaciones informativas y sin prejuicios sobre tu juego y los recursos gratuitos que han demostrado ayudar en el camino hacia la recuperación. ¡Nunca es demasiado tarde ni demasiado temprano!
  2. Si estás teniendo pensamientos de auto-lesión, contacta a la Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio al 988.
  3. Habla con alguien en quien confíes para ayudarte a establecer un plan para la próxima vez que te encuentres iniciando este ciclo.

Solo porque hayas jugado o recaído durante la recuperación NO significa que hayas fracasado. La recuperación del juego problemático es un viaje valiente lleno de desafíos. La recaída puede y ocurrirá en el camino hacia la recuperación completa. Es parte del proceso, especialmente con el juego compulsivo. Utiliza lo que sucedió como una experiencia de aprendizaje para estar mejor preparado para evitar una recurrencia del trastorno en el futuro. ¡Puedes hacer esto, y nunca estás solo!

¿Sabías que marzo es el Mes de Concientización sobre el Juego Problemático (PGAM por sus siglas en inglés)? El tema de este año es Ilumina el Problema del Juego Problemático: 888-ADMIT-IT Llena los Espacios en Blanco! Si tú o alguien que conoces están buscando respuestas a preguntas dejadas por la adicción al juego, la ayuda y la esperanza siempre están disponibles. Obtén más información en problemgamblingawarenessmonth.org y comparte esta importante campaña.

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How to Break the Cycle of Gambling Action

To achieve effective recovery with disordered gambling, it is crucial to understand the psychology addressing the cycle of gambling action. It is also just as important to gain the skills to get out of the cycle and into recovery. Think of it as if you are on a merry-go-round, and you must find a way to get off. How would you do that? Keep reading, and we will explain how you can throw a wrench (coping skill) into the cycle at any point to stop it from continuing.

Thoughts and Fantasies

The cycle or gambling episode begins with having thoughts and fantasies of gambling. This is the first phase of “action,” a term used by professionals meaning currently engaged either consciously or unconsciously with thoughts or behaviors to gamble. This consists of the thoughts and fantasies of past gambling episodes, such as remembering a big win but not the losses (euphoric recall). Brain imaging has shown compulsive gamblers can and will get “high” just by thinking about gambling. This means the brain is actually releasing dopamine (a neurotransmitter produced in the brain that helps people feel pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation at the chemical level), serotonin (a neurotransmitter that helps control mood and plays a role in happiness, optimism, and satisfaction), and adrenaline (a hormone that that causes an increased heart rate, high blood pressure and rapid, shallow respiration to prepare the body for stressful or intense situations) without ingesting any substance like drugs or alcohol. All of these chemical changes that influence thoughts and behaviors occur just by thinking about gambling!


The second phase of the cycle involves finding ways and opportunities to gamble, along with access to money, and removing any roadblocks that may pop up. There is excitement during this phase as well. It is a challenge for the gambler get all this accomplished without anyone knowing what he or she is doing. That is a thrill in itself.


This is the actual gambling behavior. This phase usually ends when something external stops it, such as lack of money, time, getting caught, or having to deal with other obligations.


This final phase is when reality comes crashing down because of loss of money, broken promises, and/or difficulty meeting responsibilities like bills, rent, food, and debt to family and friends. This phase can bring on great guilt, shame, depression, and anxiety. The results can bring on devastating emotions towards oneself and others, manifesting in anger, physical violence, illegal behaviors, and even suicidal ideation and attempts. There may be feelings of helplessness and hopelessness of not being able to stop the madness of disordered gambling. Finally, this phase may end with a process known as “The Art of Digging Yourself Out of the Hole,” before the cycle begins again. Learn more here.

The Cycle Can Be Broken. Recovery is Possible. Help and Hope are Always Available!

The 24/7, Confidential, and Multilingual 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine is always available to help you stop the cycle and connect you with powerful tools and resources, no matter where you may be. You are never alone in the battle with problem gambling. Also, consider the following steps to help stop this cycle at any point in the episode:

Thoughts and Fantasies Phase:

  1. Put up barriers to money. Access to Cash Self-Exclusion resources available through the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine can make a big difference.
  2. Share with a trusted friend or family member that you are having thoughts of gambling.
  3. Remember how you felt the last time you gambled and lost.
  4. Write down all the negative consequences gambling has caused you in your life.

Planning Phase:

  1. Call or text 888-ADMIT-IT and ask about the Peer Connect Program, where you can speak to an individual in recovery for problem gambling that has been in your shoes.
  2. Call a friend or family member you trust, tell them what is going on, and make plans to spend time with them instead of going to gamble.
  3. Give any credit/debit/ATM cards and cash over to your spouse or a trusted friend for safe keeping and prevent your ability to act on urges. The FCCG’s A Chance for Change Self-Help Recovery Workbooks, available for free through 888-ADMIT-IT, can help you put together effective strategies like this and others.
  4. Use your positive self-talk. You CAN break the cycle and resist the urge to gamble.

Gambling Phase:

  1. Take a break! Give yourself time to consider the actions you are taking and what the results may be.
  2. Seek Self-Exclusion resources to prevent continued gambling. Call or text 888-ADMIT-IT to connect with these tools, which are available for in-person and online forms of gambling.

Crash Phase:

  1. Reach out for help! 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine Specialists are standing by 24/7 to provide non-judgmental and informative conversation about your gambling and the free resources that have been proven to help on the path to recovery. It’s never too late or too early!
  2. If you are having thoughts of self-harm, contact the 988 the National Suicide Helpline.
  3. Speak with someone you trust to help you set up a plan for the next time you find yourself starting this cycle.

Just because you gambled or relapsed while in recovery DOES NOT mean you have failed. Recovery from problem gambling is a brave journey filled with challenges. Relapse can and will happen on the path to full recovery. It is part of the process, especially with problem gambling. Use what happened as a learning experience to be better prepared to avoid a recurrence of the disorder in the future. You can do this, and you’re never alone!

Did you know that March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM)? This year’s theme is Shine the Light on Problem Gambling: 888-ADMIT-IT Fills in the Blanks! If you or someone you know are seeking answers to questions left by gambling addiction, help and hope are always available. Learn more at problemgamblingawarenessmonth.org and share this important campaign.

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WEB LETTER: How NFT & Cryptocurrency Trading Can Be Just Another Form of Gambling

WEB LETTER: How NFT & Cryptocurrency Trading Can Be Just Another Form of Gambling

Are you familiar with the new “investment” rage of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) and cryptocurrency trading? NFT day trading, cryptocurrency day trading, and stock market day trading have more in common with slot machines, poker, and sports betting than you might think. They all involve the act of risking something of value on an activity that has an uncertain outcome – or simply put, gambling. Though not often recognized as such, day trading on the stock market – or with NFTs or cryptocurrencies – constitutes a form of gambling, and today’s trading apps and websites make it easier than ever.

Read the February Web Letter to learn more and how the 888-ADMIT-IT HelpLine provides help and hope for any type of gambling problem.

Tags: #AddictionRecovery, #GamblingAddiction, #ProblemGambling, #ProblemGamblingAwareness

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PrizePicks Among DFS Operators to Leave Florida Following Second Cease and Desist Letter

Time to move on?

Several daily fantasy sports pick’em operators intend to cease their operations in Florida by March 1.

The move comes after the Florida Gaming Control Commission (FGCC) sent out a second round of cease and desist letters to Betr, PrizePicks, and Underdog Fantasy in January asking them to leave by the March deadline.

the Commission will not take further action”

The letter read that should those concerned comply with the cease and desist order within the timeframe “the Commission will not take further action.”

Speaking on the matter, a PrizePicks spokesperson said: “We can confirm that we have reached a negotiated resolution with the FGCC to cease operating our current contests on March 1.” PrizePicks added that the order said that they were welcome to operate in Florida “in the future.”

Stamping out DFS operators

The FGCC first declared its stance toward DFS brands in September when it sent the three companies cease and desist letters.

offering or accepting illegal bets or wagers from Florida residents”

According to FGCC Executive Director Louis Trombetta, Betr, PrizePicks, and Underdog Fantasy had crossed the line into sports betting. Trombetta said that the Commission received information that the three may “be offering or accepting illegal bets or wagers from Florida residents […] promoting and conducting an illegal lottery.”

Following the letters, the FGCC updated its FAQ page stating that all fantasy sports were “likely illegal.”

The Coalition for Fantasy Sports, a trade group representing the companies, said it is “committed to ensuring its member companies remain in the state and is actively engaging with Florida policymakers to protect the ability of fantasy sports fans to engage in the games of skill they enjoy.”

The Sunshine State is not the only one actively working to remove these apps. Describing pick’em games as “player prop bets,” Arkansas regulators also sent cease and desist letters to PrizePicks and Underdog.

Monetary fine

PrizePicks’ removal from Florida comes shortly after it was ordered to pay $15m to the New York State Gaming Commission (NYSGC) foroperating without a license.

violated the law for years

In a document signed by both sides, PrizePicks confirmed that it had violated the law for years. Equally important to note is that a spokesperson for the operator believed it “operated in New York in a good-faith belief that it had the ability to do so.”

The amount PrizePicks needs to pay back is based on the revenue generated from its contests from June 4, 2019, to December 19, 2023.

The post PrizePicks Among DFS Operators to Leave Florida Following Second Cease and Desist Letter appeared first on Vegas Slots Online News.

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Celebrity Endorsement Survey: Nationwide Insights and Sentiments

Ever stumble upon a celebrity’s unexpected #ad or #sponsored post and think…what the heck? From Justin Bieber’s ‘One Less Lonely Girl’ Opi Nail Polish collection to Katy Perry’s “(Did Somebody Say) Just Eat” foodie jingle, the world of unanticipated celebrity brand deals continues.

With Paris Hilton announced as the ambassador for WOW Vegas, reactions flew all over the social media world. This prompted us to dig deep into America’s sentiments on celebrity endorsements, with a nationwide survey to discover their reasons why, and which industries are most likely to get a golden seal of approval (or eye-roll).

Key findings:

  • 60.7% trust brands less when they use celebrity endorsements
  • Why? 81.8% believe celebrity brand deals lack credibility
  • The fashion industry ranks #1 for celebrity endorsement approval (in trust), followed by music (2nd) and beauty (3rd)
  • The gambling industry ranks as the least trusted industry for celebrity brand deals, followed by finance and technology

The sentiments are in: Why Americans do and don’t trust celebrity endorsements

To our surprise, a whopping 60.7% of Americans admit they trust brands less when they utilize celebrity endorsements! While marketers can argue it drives sales and attracts new customers, an astounding 81.8% find these endorsements to be lacking in credibility – suggesting for more authenticity in today’s marketing world. Only 7.3% don’t trust the brand’s marketing strategy, while 6.7% simply dislike the chosen celebrity ambassador. An additional 4.1% cited ‘other’ reasons, like finding the entire tactic as meaningless.

On the flip side, for the 39.3% who do find themselves trusting brands more with celebrity endorsements, their reasons vary. The #1 reason is personal fondness for the featured celebrity, according to 37.4%. Another 24.6% trust the brand’s marketing choices, while 23.3% believe the endorsement represents a credible and authentic decision for the brand. Only 14.7% feel somewhat indifferent, but ultimately trust the brand’s expertise in their decision-making.

Industry rankings: Most trusted vs least trusted with endorsements

Let’s roll out the red carpet because fashion steals the spotlight as the #1 celebrity endorsement-approved industry! Nearly half (42.1%) of respondents find this partnership the perfect match, where celebrities and fashion brands can seamlessly sync in reputation and style. Take Rihanna and Louis Vuitton’s Men Spring Summer 24 endorsement for example – an iconic and fashion-forward powerhouse that’s able to bring fresh energy towards the already establish fashion house!

Crank the music up! The music industry rocks the industry chart as the #2 most celebrity endorsement-approved sector, as voted by 34.7%. This also comes as no surprise, considering how many of these partnerships feature musicians themselves. Just take the iconic Taylor Swift and Drake Apple Music commercial, for example. Talk about a great marketing decision!

Cue the glam, because the beauty industry secures the #3 spot on the approval charts with a solid 34.6% of votes. The marketing tactic makes sense within this industry as celebrities are now crafting their own product lines – and it sure helps to have A-List friends promote these products! You may have seen Kendall Jenner sporting in Hailey Bieber’s Rhode Peptide Lip Treatment, for example. Talk about beauty and friendship goals!

On the other end of the spectrum, the gambling industry takes the title of the least trusted sector for celebrity endorsement deals – with only 2.3% of approval rates. Despite A-List names like Cristiano Ronaldo, Nicki Minaj, and Drake sharing their star power, the industry still struggles to win over trust.

Sentiments on brand deals within the casino and gambling industry

With the fast-growing online gaming industry, celebrity endorsements have become the most influential strategy. But do they hit the jackpot with consumers? We opened the floor with the following question: “How do you feel about celebrity endorsements within the casino and gambling industry?”

The results are in: 66.4% feel that the partnership just doesn’t add up, compared to the 33.6% who see the appeal in the marketing move. Whether it’s the puzzling celebrity choice or the general unfamiliarity with the industry, building trust with potential consumers remains a hurdle.

Following the recent Paris Hilton and WOW Vegas partnership, over half (57.5%) of respondents also revealed their dislike of the brand deal. Another celebrity endorsement within the industry that sparked a lot of talk online was Jamie Foxx and BetMGM’s partnership – receiving a 53.6% disapproval rate as well. It seems that celebrity brand deals aren’t always a winning hand when it comes to approval rates!


It’s safe to assume that winning over customers’ trust is essential in the business and marketing realm. Our findings reveal the importance of selecting relevant celebrities as brand ambassadors to build trust and avoid skepticism among consumers.


In February 2024, we conducted a nationwide survey of 3,000 US residents. The average age of respondents was 40.2 years old. The representative sample comprised of 58.2% female, 39.1% male, 2.1% non-binary, 0.5% transgender, and 0.1% ‘other’.

Fair use

Feel free to use the data or visuals on this page for non-commercial purposes. Please be sure to include proper attribution linking back to this page to give credit to the authors.

For any press questions, please contact rhiannon.odonohoe[at]casino.org

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Odds: Donald Trump Has a 60% Chance to Win 2024 Presidential Election

Odds for president favor Donald Trump

The race to be the 47th president in United States history is on, and according to betting odds, former President Donald Trump is the frontrunner.

BetUS sportsbook gives Trump -140 odds to become the second president ever and first since Grover Cleveland in 1892 to serve nonconsecutive terms. President Biden is a +200 underdog, followed by Michelle Obama (+700), California Gov. Gavin Newsom (+1000), Vice President Kamala Harris (+1600), and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

implied probability of 58.33%

Trump’s -140 odds equal an implied probability of 58.33%. Biden, who is next closest, has an implied probability of 33.33%.

Controversy at the top

Trump was a divisive figure from the moment he popped up in the presidential race in 2015. After once polling below 1% support, he defied the odds and expectations and replaced Barack Obama in the White House in January 2017.

Trump’s tenure matched his persona and was rife with controversy, whether it be his handling of foreign policy, laissez-faire approach to COVID, or his role in the January 6 riots at the Capitol.

Trump, who defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 with 306 electoral votes to 232, but had nearly 3 million fewer total votes, was ousted by Joe Biden in 2021 despite many voters feeling he was not the optimal president. Instead, they voted him into office under an “anyone but Trump” approach.

As the Trump resistance starts to wear off and questions of Biden’s mental standing swirl, many anti-Trump voters are beginning to succumb to reality.

It’s crisis fatigue, for sure.”

“We’re kind of, like, crises-ed out,” said Shannon Caseber, a security guard in Pittsburgh, per the New York Times. “It’s crisis fatigue, for sure.”

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House Press Secretary, announced last week that President Biden will not take a cognitive test during his upcoming medical exam. Although she cited remarks from Biden’s doctor that suggested his daily duties and job requirements were evidence of his mental standing, many took it as another sign that he is not fit to continue in office.

Russian president Vladimir Putin also said last week he prefers that Biden continue as US President, which inspired varying remarks.

Candidates and opinions

As Trump prepares to potentially reclaim his seat on Pennsylvania Avenue, he first has to pay off $355m owed as the result of the ruling of a fraud trial.

New York Justice Arthur Engoron handed the fine to Trump, his company, and business associates, after he was found guilty of inflating the value of his assets to procure favorable bank loans. He was also banned from doing business in New York for three years. Trump plans to appeal the ban.

Polling company FiveThirtyEight found that only 39.4% of Americans approve of the job Biden has done, while 55.9% disapprove. That’s lower at this point in his tenure than his seven immediate predecessors, including Trump (43% approval) and three Democrats, Obama (48.2%), Bill Clinton (48.9%), and Jimmy Carter (56.5%).

“terrified” about the result of the upcoming election

Despite being third in odds, Michelle Obama has not declared that she is running for office. The closest she came was sharing that she was “terrified” about the result of the upcoming election during a podcast released on January 8.

Newsom said he had “sub-zero interest” in running for president despite his foray into a larger spotlight after battles with the governors of Texas and Florida.

Haley, the first woman of color to be a major Republican presidential candidate, is well into the race for the presidency. She said Sunday that she believes either her or VP Harris will be the president in 2025.

Other notable names on the list of candidates receiving betting odds include 2016 runner-up Hillary Clinton (+10000), right-wing political commentator Tucker Carlson (+25000), and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (+25000), among many others.

The post Odds: Donald Trump Has a 60% Chance to Win 2024 Presidential Election appeared first on Vegas Slots Online News.

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